Communication has always been our work and our passion.
Every word translated by us must transmit to those who read it in any part of the world the same feeling and the same idea as those who wrote it. Understanding technical and scientific information is difficult in your own language and it is even more difficult during the translation. For this reason our translators, before translating, must know the product and the subjects dealt in the texts.
Differently from other translation agencies that do not have internal staff and use automatic translation softwares, in Redimec all languages are handled internally by specialized personnel; the translations are entrusted to personnel with specific experience in the requested sector, all at very competitive prices.
The translation division has a considerable experience in the translation of texts of the most varied types and an archive of tens of thousands of terms in different product sectors.
We can carry out localized translations to ensure that the correct terminology is used depending on the country where the products need to be sold.
We provide asseveration services of translations in the legal, financial and medical sectors.
We can also rely on a wide network of native translators for text translation and proofreading.
• Marketing and advertising translations (brochures, leaflets, catalogues, press releases, web pages, communication plans, job description, market researches, E-zines)
• Technical translations (installation, use and maintenance manuals, technical specifications, calls for tenders, technical sheets, product information, drawings and tables, regulations, patents)
• Legal translations (contracts, legal proceedings, notarial acts, personal documents)
• Literary translations (fiction, essays, poetry, epics, touristic guides)
• Financial translations (balances and additional notes, banking documentation, stock exchange reports, articles of partnership and association, business correspondence)
• Scientific translations (scientific journal articles, package inserts, medical product documentation, medical reports, presentations and congress acts)
• Linguistic advice
• Proofreading
• Summaries in various languages
Send us the text to be translated per e-mail, we will forward to you a free quote without commitment by the end of the day!